What are Cluster Beans (Gavar)? 6 Proven Health Benefits

Health comes first. A healthy mind and body is the key to a good life. In today’s time and age, we often neglect the importance of a good diet with vegetables and nutritious foods. Out there are various options available that can fulfil the needs of the body and help us achieve our health goals. … Read more

Food Exchange List for Indians – Ultimate List


Staying healthy and fit is a dream of all. We do want to be worry-free and healthy to prevent any diseases or health conditions. But it all comes with time and effort. Food habits and eating are the underlying factors that are the essential elements to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Diets as per one’s health … Read more

Which is the Best Atta for Diabetes? 12 Healthiest Options

Which is the Best Atta for Diabetes

Are you a diabetic looking forward to including all the healthy options? Do you want to be sure that your diet includes all safe nutrients starting from the very basics? Looking for a way to keep your diabetes under control from the root? Well, we have some amazing solutions to assist you to work for … Read more

Normal Blood Sugar Levels in India and Common Tests

Normal Blood Sugar Levels in India and Common Tests

Diabetes is becoming the third most common disease driving people to death both in India and abroad. With more than 1 million cases recorded every year, it has become the burning issue of the time to get a hold over this disease which can prove to be fatal if not checked within the right time. … Read more

Which Are the Best Sugar-Free Dark Chocolates for Diabetics?

Which Are the Best Sugar-Free Dark Chocolates for Diabetics

As a diabetic do you miss out on a chocolaty treat? Well, you do not really have to. Dark chocolates can be a satisfying answer to your cravings. Are you wondering – if dark chocolate is safe for diabetics?  How does dark chocolates affect blood sugar levels? Well, we have all the answers for you. … Read more

What is the Sugar Content in Wheat? Is it Safe for Diabetes?


Wheat is among the most basic and commonest grains that are a staple in most diets. But when it comes to diabetes, is this a safe choice to go for wheat? As diabetics, one has to be extra attentive about what to eat and how much. Today we are here to answer some of your … Read more

Is Ghee Good for Diabetics? 8 Benefits and Daily Limits

Is Ghee Good for Diabetics

Controlling food and food habits is very crucial when it comes to diabetes. Newer routines must be set up with altered diets and restrictions to encourage better health that does not have any ill-effect on the sugar levels. To fix a new diet and schedule might be tricky, but that is why we are here … Read more

Is Brown Sugar Healthy? Is It Safe in Diabetes?

Is Brown Sugar Healthy

Managing your diabetes and maintain healthy blood sugar levels is the way to alter into a proper lifestyle. There are tons of restrictions that come along. Cutting off on sweets, sugars, desserts, etc. is the most essential part of living with diabetes. But some questions arise in the minds of many regarding the alternative sweet … Read more

Can Diabetics Eat Prawn and Shrimp? Safety and Nutrition

Can Diabetics Eat Prawn and Shrimp Safety and Nutrition

Choosing what to eat and what not, how much to eat, when and how, etc. are all questions that arise in a diabetic lifestyle. There are many restrictions that one has to consider. All the right information always comes in handy when it is about your health. Today we are will discuss – Can diabetics … Read more